
Columns wydanie 17.11.2023 – 24.11.2023
This is not a scene from „Fauda”, this is real life
When Hamas attacked Israel, friends from the film plan moved on to the tasks of the war.
Civilization wydanie 10.11.2023 – 17.11.2023
Jewish enemies of Israel
A short list of left-wing "self hating Jews".
Columns wydanie 27.10.2023 – 3.11.2023
Hassliebe in the Middle East
The „Canaanite” movement opted for the integration of the Hebrew population of Palestine with… the Arabs.
Interviews wydanie 18.08.2023 – 25.08.2023
The faked passports which saved countless lives
It took incredible courage to risk his life and that of his family to help the Jews - says Roger Moorhouse.
Columns wydanie 21.07.2023 – 28.07.2023
Mission not accomplished
The attitude of the Allies towards the Karski Report is not the subject of academic sessions.
Columns wydanie 16.06.2023 – 23.06.2023
Where are the executioners and where are the victims
Where did the inability to explain the war crimes committed against Polish citizens come from?
Columns wydanie 9.06.2023 – 16.06.2023
Israeli historians confuse Professor Engelking
The knowledge about the Jewish Military Union is still more extensive in Israel than in Poland.
Culture wydanie 2.06.2023 – 9.06.2023
Mystery of the missing painter of the Kolor Group
She was thought to have died during the war. And she survived. Hidden under a different name until her death, she sort of pretended she wasn't there.
Columns wydanie 28.04.2023 – 5.05.2023
A revisionist performance on victims’ graves
How to spark Polish „bigots” fury
History wydanie 28.04.2023 – 5.05.2023
Nazi antique shops
How many of the paintings looted during WWII could have passed through reputable auction houses?
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