History wydanie 30.06.2023 – 7.07.2023
“No” to distortion of the Home Army’s history
A 100-year-old demands an apology and clarification.
Civilization wydanie 23.06.2023 – 30.06.2023
Battles of Verdun and the Somme resemble fighting for Bakhmut
The “brothers of Cossack descent” have already won the most important battle of this war – and perhaps since 1654 – that of identity. But have they won the others?
History wydanie 23.06.2023 – 30.06.2023
Damages for war crimes
Aggrieved parties usually sue states but they are helpless in the face of their immunity.
Columns wydanie 16.06.2023 – 23.06.2023
Where are the executioners and where are the victims
Where did the inability to explain the war crimes committed against Polish citizens come from?
History wydanie 9.06.2023 – 16.06.2023
The Soviets drove tanks into the crowd
Almost 70 tunnels were built under the Berlin Wall.
Culture wydanie 2.06.2023 – 9.06.2023
Loznica: some justification for Germany?
In the film, the main victims of WW2 turn out to be German civilians.
Columns wydanie 19.05.2023 – 26.05.2023
National Bolsheviks. From Niekisch to Prilepin
He expected a Germanic-Slavic racial synthesis.
Columns wydanie 12.05.2023 – 19.05.2023
New Walls in Berlin
The German capital, like others is carrying out its function as a shopping scarecrow.
History wydanie 28.04.2023 – 5.05.2023
They were permitted to live two months
Nearly 30% of Polish priests perished during WWII.
History wydanie 28.04.2023 – 5.05.2023
Nazi antique shops
How many of the paintings looted during WWII could have passed through reputable auction houses?
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