Interviews wydanie 24.11.2023 – 1.12.2023
We need to slow down at school
Films or AI are a gateway to the garden of knowledge. But there are not enough students who want to learn at all.
Interviews wydanie 13.10.2023 – 20.10.2023
While serving a mission, see faith treated in a magical way
More frequently, African missionaries come to evangelise in Europe, where faith is disappearing. One day this might become the norm.
Columns wydanie 15.09.2023 – 22.09.2023
Will there be weather for geniuses?
Young teachers, themselves after overseas scholarships and grants, need to encourage young people to take on challenges.
History wydanie 8.09.2023 – 15.09.2023
The forgotten Zawisza Czarny
It was not the 'knight from Grunwald' who built an oasis of Polishness near Toruń, devastated since 1939.
Columns wydanie 28.07.2023 – 4.08.2023
Should children be shown the dark side of life as well?
Concern for "emotional safety" is not about educating people to be brave.
Columns wydanie 23.06.2023 – 30.06.2023
Summer vacations with LGBTQ
Will anyone protect our children?
Interviews wydanie 12.05.2023 – 19.05.2023
The Birth of Homo Putinus
In the decade, the regime in Moscow has deliberately introduced language that is very disturbingly similar to the language of Nazi Germany to describe Ukrainians, namely to call Ukrainians sick vermin. There is a word "nelyudi".
Columns wydanie 12.05.2023 – 19.05.2023
Sex in the kindergarten: plush beginnings and otherness in vogue
Children are being accustomed to “play” with the body. Who and what should they to be like?
Civilization wydanie 14.04.2023 – 21.04.2023
Russian not welcome
Lithuanians: it’s not Poland or Poles who are the threat.
History wydanie 17.03.2023 – 24.03.2023
How Noble of Him! Adam Kazimierz Czartoryski
To the astonishment of his contemporaries, he proposed that women should also be educated.
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