Despite her worldwide career, she faced a defeat. Now she is back

Ilyumzhinov tried to persuade me that chess is a cosmic gift to humanity. They erect khachkars, show off their history, help find their ancestors, recreate the old liturgical chant. It wasn't until 2001 that the doll got a navel. The “Fauda” series convinces that without the Israeli confidence, courage and strength even the European Union is powerless against those who – using the language of George W. Bush – “hate our way of life”. What have we sent on the Dnieper – and what are the implications for our country as well? This discovery may help tell the story of the prehistory of the lands where Poland is today. When the 13-year-old stepdaughter alleged that he had molested her he was taken into custody.

More in the 52nd issue of TVP Weekly.