ISSUE NO. 18 - JUNE 29th, 2022

Kremlin factions are already conducting a silent jockeying for power

Do all routes lead to the US, in particular to NY? The question is not whether the plastic will disappear, but when will it disappear. Our country, from a troublesome neighbour, has become an important and necessary partner. Lithuanians have discovered a different Poland. Will the “party of peace” or the “party of war” triumph in Moscow? Perhaps in the new, progressive scene, the Prince will treat Sleeping Beauty with a defibrillator. It is not Noble Prize winners, not poets nor scholars but the modest and silent Faustyna Kowalska who opens the ranking of Polish writers most translated into foreign languages. For some time now, voices have been heard more and more often saying that Poland and Ukraine should be connected by something more than just an alliance of two states.

More in the 18th issue of TVP Weekly.