
Columns wydanie 22.12.2023 – 29.12.2023
Swimming Against the Tide of Misinformation
They firmly believe they are part of the right narrative, flowing in the positive current of action.
History wydanie 22.12.2023 – 29.12.2023
Escape from Stalag – Christmas Eve Story 1944
Prisoners sought shelter in a German church... It was a mistake.
Culture wydanie 22.12.2023 – 29.12.2023
„I gave my most important recitals in insurgent Warsaw”
He sang to the accompaniment of bombs and said he wouldn’t change them for the world's most prestigious scenes.
History wydanie 22.12.2023 – 29.12.2023
Pomeranian Crime: Whoever is Polish must disappear
Between September and December, 1939, 30,000 people in 400 towns of Pomerania were murdered.
Civilization wydanie 22.12.2023 – 29.12.2023
To Siberia and Ukraine
Zaporizhzhia. A soldier in a bunker asked the priest for a rosary and to teach him how to make use of it.
History wydanie 8.12.2023 – 15.12.2023
Journalist purge to restore media monopoly
Only “trusted people” were allowed to work; over 100 employees were interned.
Culture wydanie 8.12.2023 – 15.12.2023
Infuriated by horizontal wall pattern
Had the walls of Zachęta been empty, it would have been much better for this project.
Civilization wydanie 8.12.2023 – 15.12.2023
What will turn the EU into one superstate?
It is a trap of democracy and prosperity. This will open the highway to the entire centralisation of all areas of life.
Columns wydanie 1.12.2023 – 8.12.2023
Hybrid Winter War. Migrants on the Russian-Finnish border
The Kremlin's bicycle offensive
Civilization wydanie 1.12.2023 – 8.12.2023
Clues lead to Russia
Valuable books have disappeared from university libraries in Poland, Estonia, Lithuania and Latvia.
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